About Maine Highlands Sled Dog Club
The Maine Highlands Sled Dog Club (TMHSDC) was formed in 2002 for all mushers, especially recreational mushers. We are a family-oriented club. Our “races” are fun get-togethers. We encourage all levels of mushers to join us. TMHSDC’s main focus is to provide a place to learn and to run with other teams. Kids are always welcome. We hold yearly educational events for dog care, kennel management, and hands-on training for dogs and mushers.
The Maine Highlands Sled Dog Club (TMHSDC) welcomes new members of all abilities and interests. We encourage novice mushers, recreational mushers, experienced mushers, or anyone interested in the sport to join us.
Individual membership in the club is $15.00 a year. Family memberships are $30.00.
Membership application form and club by laws are posted on the documents tab.
Club Officers:
President; Barth Deuyour, barthdeuyour@gmail.com, 207-279-1746
Vice President; Valerie Parent vrblackwidow@aol.com 207-631-4973
Treasurer; Gina Deuyour ginadeuyour1@gmail.com 207-943-3265
Secretary; Charlotte Carroll, carroll_charlotte@hotmail.com, 207-647-1206
Board of Directors
Chris Mitchell (2024) 207-965-7827
Terry Knowles (2024) 207-965-8120
Don Banker (2025) 207-356-0363
Thomas Carroll (2024) 207-310-4413
Andrea Hoskins (2025) 207-837-5671
Shayla Stevens (2025) 207-583-5116
Race Marshall: Thomas Carroll
Chief Judge: --
Chief Timers: Denise Corey
Trail Master-Ed Parent
Meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday in April and the 2nd Sunday in November.
Educational events, dryland races, and snow races are held throughout the year.